
Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The following is a list of nerves in the human body:


source : anatomyclass123.com

  • Structure of the nervous system
  • Development of the nervous system
  • The spinal cord or medulla spinalis
  • The brain or encephalon
    • The hindbrain or rhombencephalon
    • The midbrain or mesencephalon
    • The forebrain or prosencephalon
    • Composition and central connections of the spinal nerves
    • Pathways from the brain to the spinal cord
    • The meninges of the brain and medulla spinalis
    • The cerebrospinal fluid
  • The cranial nerves
    • The olfactory nerves
    • The optic nerve
    • The oculomotor nerve
    • The trochlear nerve
    • The trigeminal nerve
    • The abducent nerve
    • The facial nerve
    • The vestibulocochlear nerve
    • The glossopharyngeal nerve
    • The vagus nerve
    • The accessory nerve
    • The hypoglossal nerve
  • The spinal nerves
    • The posterior divisions
    • The anterior divisions
    • The thoracic nerves
    • The lumbosacral plexus
    • The sacral and coccygeal nerves
  • The sympathetic nerves
    • The cephalic portion of the sympathetic system
    • The cervical portion of the sympathetic system
    • The thoracic portion of the sympathetic system
    • The abdominal portion of the sympathetic system
    • The pelvic portion of the sympathetic system
    • The great plexuses of the sympathetic system

Alphabetical list

source : www.wikiwand.com

  • Abdominal aortic plexus
  • Abducens nerve
  • Accessory nerve
  • Accessory obturator nerve
  • Alderman's nerve
  • Anococcygeal nerve
  • Ansa cervicalis
  • Anterior interosseous nerve
  • Anterior superior alveolar nerve
  • Auerbach's plexus
  • Auriculotemporal nerve
  • Axillary nerve
  • Brachial plexus
  • Buccal branch of the facial nerve
  • Buccal nerve
  • Cardiac plexus
  • Cavernous plexus
  • Celiac ganglia
  • Cervical branch of the facial nerve
  • Cervical plexus
  • Chorda tympani
  • Ciliary ganglion
  • Coccygeal nerve
  • Cochlear nerve
  • Common fibular nerve
  • Common palmar digital nerves of median nerve
  • Deep branch of the radial nerve
  • Deep fibular nerve
  • Deep petrosal nerve
  • Deep temporal nerves
  • Diagonal band of Broca
  • Digastric branch of facial nerve
  • Dorsal branch of ulnar nerve
  • Dorsal nerve of clitoris
  • Dorsal nerve of the penis
  • Dorsal scapular nerve
  • Esophageal plexus
  • Ethmoidal nerves
  • External laryngeal nerve
  • External nasal nerve
  • Facial nerve
  • Femoral nerve
  • Frontal nerve
  • Gastric plexuses
  • Geniculate ganglion
  • Genital branch of genitofemoral nerve
  • Genitofemoral nerve
  • Glossopharyngeal nerve
  • Greater auricular nerve
  • Greater occipital nerve
  • Greater petrosal nerve
  • Hepatic plexus
  • Hypoglossal nerve
  • Iliohypogastric nerve
  • Ilioinguinal nerve
  • Inferior alveolar nerve
  • Inferior anal nerves
  • Inferior cardiac nerve
  • Inferior cervical ganglion
  • Inferior gluteal nerve
  • Inferior hypogastric plexus
  • Inferior mesenteric plexus
  • Inferior palpebral nerve
  • Infraorbital nerve
  • Infraorbital plexus
  • Infratrochlear nerve
  • Intercostal nerves
  • Intercostobrachial nerve
  • Intermediate cutaneous nerve
  • Internal carotid plexus
  • Internal laryngeal nerve
  • Interneuron
  • Jugular ganglion
  • Lacrimal nerve
  • Lateral cord
  • Lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm
  • Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh
  • Lateral pectoral nerve
  • Lateral plantar nerve
  • Lateral pterygoid nerve
  • Lesser occipital nerve
  • Lingual nerve
  • Long ciliary nerves
  • Long root of the ciliary ganglion
  • Long thoracic nerve
  • Lower subscapular nerve
  • Lumbar nerves
  • Lumbar plexus
  • Lumbar splanchnic nerves
  • Lumboinguinal nerve
  • Lumbosacral plexus
  • Lumbosacral trunk
  • Mandibular nerve
  • Marginal mandibular branch of facial nerve
  • Masseteric nerve
  • Maxillary nerve
  • Medial cord
  • Medial cutaneous nerve of arm
  • Medial cutaneous nerve of forearm
  • Medial cutaneous nerve
  • Medial pectoral nerve
  • Medial plantar nerve
  • Medial pterygoid nerve
  • Median nerve
  • Meissner's plexus
  • Mental nerve
  • Middle cardiac nerve
  • Middle cervical ganglion
  • Middle meningeal nerve
  • Motor nerve
  • Muscular branches of the radial nerve
  • Musculocutaneous nerve
  • Mylohyoid nerve
  • Nasociliary nerve
  • Nasopalatine nerve
  • Nerve of pterygoid canal
  • Nerve to obturator internus
  • Nerve to quadratus femoris
  • Nerve to the Piriformis
  • Nerve to the stapedius
  • Nerve to the subclavius
  • Nervus intermedius
  • Nervus spinosus
  • Nodose ganglion
  • Obturator nerve
  • Oculomotor nerve
  • Olfactory nerve
  • Ophthalmic nerve
  • Optic nerve
  • Otic ganglion
  • Ovarian plexus
  • Palatine nerves
  • Palmar branch of the median nerve
  • Palmar branch of ulnar nerve
  • Pancreatic plexus
  • Patellar plexus
  • Pelvic splanchnic nerves
  • Perforating cutaneous nerve
  • Perineal branches of posterior femoral cutaneous nerve
  • Perineal nerve
  • Petrous ganglion
  • Pharyngeal branch of vagus nerve
  • Pharyngeal branches of glossopharyngeal nerve
  • Pharyngeal nerve
  • Pharyngeal plexus
  • Phrenic nerve
  • Phrenic plexus
  • Posterior auricular nerve
  • Posterior branch of spinal nerve
  • Posterior cord
  • Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm
  • Posterior cutaneous nerve of forearm
  • Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
  • Posterior scrotal nerves
  • Posterior superior alveolar nerve
  • Proper palmar digital nerves of median nerve
  • Prostatic plexus (nervous)
  • Pterygopalatine ganglion
  • Pudendal nerve
  • Pudendal plexus
  • Pulmonary branches of vagus nerve
  • Radial nerve
  • Recurrent laryngeal nerve
  • Renal plexus
  • Sacral plexus
  • Sacral splanchnic nerves
  • Saphenous nerve
  • Sciatic nerve
  • Semilunar ganglion
  • Sensory nerve
  • Short ciliary nerves
  • Sphenopalatine nerves
  • Splenic plexus
  • Stylohyoid branch of facial nerve
  • Subcostal nerve
  • Submandibular ganglion
  • Suboccipital nerve
  • Superficial branch of the radial nerve
  • Superficial fibular nerve
  • Superior cardiac nerve
  • Superior cervical ganglion
  • Superior ganglion of glossopharyngeal nerve
  • Superior ganglion of vagus nerve
  • Superior gluteal nerve
  • Superior hypogastric plexus
  • Superior labial nerve
  • Superior laryngeal nerve
  • Superior lateral cutaneous nerve of arm
  • Superior mesenteric plexus
  • Superior rectal plexus
  • Supraclavicular nerves
  • Supraorbital nerve
  • Suprarenal plexus
  • Suprascapular nerve
  • Supratrochlear nerve
  • Sural nerve
  • Sympathetic trunk
  • Temporal branches of the facial nerve
  • Third occipital nerve
  • Thoracic aortic plexus
  • Thoracic splanchnic nerves
  • Thoraco-abdominal nerves
  • Thoracodorsal nerve
  • Tibial nerve
  • Transverse cervical nerve
  • Trigeminal nerve
  • Trochlear nerve
  • Tympanic nerve
  • Ulnar nerve
  • Upper subscapular nerve
  • Uterovaginal plexus
  • Vagus nerve
  • Ventral ramus
  • Vesical nervous plexus
  • Vestibular nerve
  • Vestibulocochlear nerve
  • Zygomatic branches of facial nerve
  • Zygomatic nerve
  • Zygomaticofacial nerve
  • Zygomaticotemporal nerve

Related topic

source : www.medicalook.com

  • Human brain
  • Spinal cord
  • Outline of the human nervous system
  • List of skeletal muscles of the human body

External links

source : www.pinterest.com

  • List of nerves

source : www.pinterest.com

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