In the United States, an honor society is a rank organization that recognizes excellence among peers. Numerous societies recognize various fields and circumstances. The Order of the Arrow, for example, is the national honor society of the Boy Scouts of America. Chiefly, the term refers to scholastic honor societies, those that recognize students who excel academically or as leaders among their peers, often within a specific academic discipline.
Many honor societies invite students to become members based on the scholastic rank (the top x% of a class) and/or grade point averages of those students, either overall, or for classes taken within the discipline for which the honor society provides recognition. In cases where academic achievement would not be an appropriate criterion for membership, other standards are usually required for membership (such as completion of a particular ceremony or training program). It is also common for a scholastic honor society to add a criterion relating to the character of the student. Some honor societies are invitation only while others allow unsolicited applications. Finally, membership in an honor society might be considered exclusive, i.e., a member of such an organization cannot join other honor societies representing the same field.
Academic robes and regalia identifying by color the degree, school and other distinction, are controlled under rules of a voluntary Intercollegiate Code. In addition, various colored devices such as stoles, scarfs, cords, tassels, and medallions are used to indicate membership in a student's honor society. Of these, cords and mortarboard tassels are most often used to indicate membership. Most institutions allow honor cords, tassels and/or medallions for honor society members. Stoles are less common, but they are available for a few honor societies. Virtually all, if not all honor societies have chosen such colors, and may sell these items of accessory regalia as a service or fundraiser.
Many fraternities and sororities are referred to by their membership or by non-members as honor societies, and vice versa, though this is not always the case. Honor societies exist at the high school, collegiate/university, and postgraduate levels, although university honor societies are by far the most prevalent. In America, the oldest academic society, Phi Beta Kappa, was founded as a social and literary fraternity in 1776 at the College of William and Mary and later organized as an honor society in 1898, following the establishment of the honor societies Tau Beta Pi for Engineering (1885), Sigma Xi for Scientific Research (1886), and Phi Kappa Phi for all disciplines (1897). February 15, 1918 the first national honor society for senior women was established, Mortar Board, with chapters at four institutions Cornell University, The University of Michigan, The Ohio State University and Swarthmore College, later the society became coed.
List of scholastic examples
What is HONOR SOCIETY? What does HONOR SOCIETY mean? HONOR SOCIETY meaning & explanation - What is HONOR SOCIETY? What does HONOR SOCIETY mean? HONOR SOCIETY meaning - HONOR SOCIETY definition - HONOR SOCIETY explanation. Source: article, adapted under https://creativecomm...
Notable national and international honor societies based in or at schools include the following:
Colleges and universities
General scholastic honor societies
- Alpha Chi, Î'Χ (all academic fields), colors:     Emerald Green and     Sapphire blue
- Alpha Kappa Mu, Î'ÎÎ (all academic fields)
- Alpha Lambda Delta, Î'ÎÎ" (freshman scholarship)
- Alpha Sigma Lambda, Î'ΣΠ(non-traditional students)
- Alpha Sigma Nu, Î'ΣΠ(Scholarship, Loyalty and Service at Jesuit institutions of higher education), colors:     Maroon and     Gold
- Delta Epsilon Sigma, Î"ÎΣ (all academic fields at traditionally Catholic colleges and universities)
- Delta Epsilon Tau, Î"ÎΤ (Distance Education Accrediting Commission institutions)
- Golden Key International Honour Society (academics)
- Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society, Mortar Board (Scholars chosen for Leadership united to Serve)
- National Society of Collegiate Scholars, NSCS (scholarship/leadership/service), colors:     Burgundy and     Gold
- Phi Eta Sigma, ΦÎΣ (freshman scholarship)
- Phi Kappa Phi, ΦÎΦ (all academic fields)
- Phi Sigma Pi, ΦΣΠ(all academic fields), colors:     Purple and     Gold
- Phi Tau Phi, ΦΤΦ (all academic fields)
- Tau Sigma, ΤΣ (transfer students)
- Lambda Sigma, ÎΣ (student leadership, scholarship, and service)
- Order of Omega (fraternities and sororities)
Discipline-specific scholastic honor societies
- Eta Sigma Delta (International Hospitality Management Honor Society, ICHRIE)
Liberal arts and sciences
- Alpha Kappa Delta, Î'ÎÎ" (sociology), color: Â Â Â Â Teal
- Alpha Upsilon Alpha, Î'Î¥Î' (reading and language arts)
- Beta Beta Beta, Î'Î'Î' (biology)
- Beta Kappa Chi, Î'ÎΧ (natural sciences/mathematics)
- Gamma Theta Upsilon, Î"ÎÎ¥ (geography)
- Eta Sigma Phi, ÎΣΦ (classics)
- Theta Alpha Kappa, ÎÎ'Î (religious studies/philosophy)
- Theta Chi Beta, ÎΧÎ' (religious studies)
- Iota Sigma Pi, ÎΣΠ(chemistry and related fields, women's)
- Kappa Mu Epsilon, ÎÎÎ (mathematics)
- Kappa Omicron Nu, KON (human sciences), colors:     Burgundy and     Cream
- Lambda Alpha, ÎÎ' (anthropology)
- Lambda Iota Tau, ÎÎΤ (literature)
- Mu Alpha Theta, ÎÎ'Î (mathematics)
- Mu Sigma Rho, ÎΣΡ (statistics)
- Pi Gamma Mu, Î Î"Î (social sciences)
- Pi Mu Epsilon, Î ÎÎ (mathematics)
- Pi Sigma Alpha, ΠΣÎ' (political science)
- Sigma Zeta, ΣΠ(natural sciences/mathematics/computer science)
- Sigma Pi Sigma, ΣΠΣ (physics), colors:     Forest Green and     Ivory
- Sigma Tau Delta, ΣΤÎ" (English)
- Upsilon Pi Epsilon, ΥΠΠ(computer information systems, computer science)
- Phi Alpha Theta, ΦÎ'Î (history)
- Phi Beta Kappa, ΦÎ'Î (undergraduate arts and sciences), Colors:     Pink and     Sky blue
- Phi Lambda Upsilon, ΦÎÎ¥ (chemistry)
- Phi Sigma, ΦΣ (biological sciences)
- Phi Sigma Tau, ΦΣΤ (philosophy)
- Chi Beta Phi, ΧÎ'Φ (science and mathematics)
- Psi Chi, ΨΧ (psychology), colors:     Navy blue and     Platinum
- Alpha Epsilon, Î'Î (agricultural/food/biological engineering)
- Alpha Eta Mu Beta, Î'ÎÎÎ' (biomedical engineering)
- Alpha Nu Sigma, Î'ÎΣ (nuclear engineering)
- Alpha Pi Mu, Î'Î Î (industrial engineering)
- Alpha Sigma Mu, Î'ΣΠ(metallurgy/materials engineering)
- Chi Epsilon, ΧΠ(civil engineering), colors:     Purple and     White
- Eta Kappa Nu, ÎÎÎ (electrical engineering, computer engineering), colors:     Navy blue and     Scarlet
- Pi Tau Sigma, ΠΤΣ (mechanical engineering), colors:     Teal and     Maroon
- Sigma Gamma Tau, ΣÎ"Τ (aerospace engineering)
- Tau Alpha Pi, ΤÎ'Î (engineering technology)
- Tau Beta Pi, ΤÎ'Î (engineering), colors:     Brown and     White
- Tau Sigma Delta, ΤΣÎ" (architecture), colors:     White and     Gold
- Pi Epsilon Tau, Î ÎΤ (petroleum), colors:     Gold and     Black
- Phi Alpha Epsilon, ΦÎ'Î (architectural engineering)
- Omega Chi Epsilon, ΩΧΠ(chemical engineering), colors:     Maroon and     White
- Upsilon Pi Epsilon, ΥΠΠ(computer science/computer engineering)
Health sciences
- Alpha Epsilon Delta, Î'ÎÎ" (pre-medical), colors:    Red and     Violet
- Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society, Î'ΩÎ' (medical students, physicians),     Forest Green,     Gold and     White
- Iota Tau Alpha, ÎΤÎ' (Athletic Training)
- Nu Rho Psi, ÎΡΨ (Neuroscience)
- Rho Chi, ΡΧ (pharmacy), colors:     Purple and     White
- Sigma Theta Tau, ΣÎΤ (nursing), colors:     Orchid and     White
- Sigma Phi Alpha, ΣΦÎ' (dental hygiene)
- Upsilon Phi Delta, ΥΦÎ" (health administration)
- Gamma Sigma Delta, Î"ΣÎ", (Honor Society of Agriculture) colors:     Sand and     Forest Green
- Delta Tau Alpha, Î"ΤÎ', (Honor Society of Agriculture)
- The Order of Barristers (law)
- Order of the Coif (law)
- Phi Delta Phi, ΦÎ"Φ (law), colors:     Garnet and     Pearl Blue
- Alpha Phi Sigma, (Criminal Justice, law)
Journalism and communications
- Kappa Tau Alpha, ÎΤÎ' (journalism/mass communication), colors:     Light blue and     Gold
- Lambda Pi Eta, ÎÎ Î (communication)
- Society for Collegiate Journalists, (SCJ) (journalism)
- Alpha Mu Gamma, Î'ÎÎ" (foreign language), color: Â Â Â Â Gold
- Delta Phi Alpha, Î"ΦÎ' - (German), colors:     Black,     Red and     Gold
- Pi Delta Phi, Î Î"Φ (French), colors:     Blue,     White and     Red
- Sigma Delta Pi, ΣÎ"Î (Spanish and Portuguese), colors:     Red and     Gold
- Phi Sigma Iota, ΦΣΠ(foreign language, linguistics, literature), colors:     Purple and     White
Fine arts
- Alpha Psi Omega, Î'ΨΩ (theatre)
- Kappa Pi, ÎÎ (art)
- Kappa Kappa Psi, ÎÎΨ (music - band)
- Mu Beta Psi, ÎÎ'Ψ (music)
- Pi Kappa Lambda, Î ÎÎ (Music)
- Pi Nu Epsilon, Î ÎÎ (music)
- Tau Beta Sigma, ΤÎ'Σ (music - band)
- Theta Alpha Phi, ÎÎ'Φ (Theatre)
- Alpha Iota Delta, Î'ÎÎ" (decision sciences)
- Alpha Mu Alpha, AMA (marketing), color: Â Â Â Â Red
- Beta Alpha Psi, Î'Î'Ψ (accounting)
- Beta Gamma Sigma, Î'Î"Σ (AACSB accredited business programs), colors:     Gold and     Yale Blue
- Delta Mu Delta, Î"ÎÎ" (ACBSP accredited business programs)
- Mu Kappa Tau, ÎÎΤ (marketing)
- Omega Rho, ΩΡ (operations research, management science)
- Omicron Delta Epsilon, ÎÎ"Î (economics), colors:     Blue and     Gold
- Sigma Beta Delta, ΣÎ'Î" (business, management and administration)
- Kappa Delta Pi ÎÎ"Î (education), colors:     Jade Green and     Violet
- Pi Lambda Theta Î ÎÎ (education)
- Pi Omega Pi, ΠΩΠ(business education)
- Phi Beta Delta ΦÎ'Î" (international education)
- Eta Sigma Gamma ÎΣÎ" (health education)
- Order of The Key Honor Society (leadership)
- Mortar Board (leadership), colors:     Gold and     Silver
- National Residence Hall Honorary, NRHH (Residence hall leadership/service)
- Omicron Delta Kappa, ÎÎ"Î (leadership and academic; juniors, seniors, graduate students, alumni, faculty and staff, honorary)
- Sigma Alpha Lambda, ΣÎ'Î (leadership)
- Phi Kappa Alpha, ΦÎÎ' (leadership)
- Arnold Air Society, (United States Air Force cadets)
- Pershing Rifles (United States armed forces)
- Scabbard and Blade (ROTC cadets and midshipmen)
- Beta Phi Mu, Î'ΦΠ(library science/information science/information technology)
- Chi Epsilon Pi, ΧÎÎ (meteorology)
- Chi Sigma Iota, ΧΣΠ(counseling)
- Epsilon Pi Tau, ÎΠΤ (technology)
- Epsilon Tau Pi, ÎΤΠ(Eagle Scouts)
- Gamma Nu Eta, Î"ÎÎ (information technology)
- Nu Rho Psi, ÎΡΨ (neuroscience)
- Order of the Sword & Shield, ÎΣΣ (homeland security, intelligence, emergency management, and all protective studies)
- Phi Tau Sigma, ΦΤΣ (Food Science and Technology)
- Phi Upsilon Omicron, ΦΥΠ(Family and consumer science), colors:     Violet,     Gold and     Cream
- Pi Alpha Alpha, Î Î'Î' (public administration)
- Pi Epsilon, Î Î (environmental sciences)
- Pi Theta Epsilon, Î ÎÎ (occupational therapy)
- Sigma Gamma Epsilon, ΣÎ"Î (geology/Earth sciences)
- Sigma Iota Rho, ΣÎΡ (international relations)
- Sigma Lambda Alpha, ΣÎÎ' (landscape architecture), colors:     Gold and     Green
- Sigma Lambda Chi, ΣÎΧ (construction management technology)
- Sigma Phi Omega, ΣΦΩ, (Gerontology)
- Theta Alpha Kappa, ÎÎ'Î, (Religious Studies/theology)
- Xi Sigma Pi, ÎΣΠ(forestry), colors:     Green and     Gray
Independent societies
Some universities have their own independent, open honor societies, which are not affiliated with any national or international organization. Such organizations typically recognize students who have succeeded academically irrespective of their field of study. These include:
- Aquinas Honor Society at University of St. Thomas
- Bisonhead at the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
- Burning Spear Society at Florida State University
- Cap and Skull at Rutgers University
- Florida Blue Key at University of Florida
- Friar Society at the University of Texas at Austin
- Iron Arrow Honor Society at the University of Miami
- Lion's Paw (honor society)|Lion's Paw at the Pennsylvania State University
- Matteo Ricci Society at Fordham University
- Owl and Key at the University of Utah
- Phalanx Honor Society and White Key Society at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Quill and Dagger at Cornell University
- Raven Society at the University of Virginia
- Society of Innocents at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Skull and Bones (Penn State) at the Pennsylvania State University
- Skull and Dagger at University of Southern California
- Sphinx Head Society at Cornell University
- Tiger Brotherhood (Clemson University) at the Clemson University
- The Order of Barristers (law)
- Order of the Coif (law)
- Phi Delta Phi, ΦÎ"Φ (law)
- Alpha Omega Alpha Î'ΩÎ' (medicine)
- Phi Zeta ΦΠ(veterinary medicine)
- Delta Omega Î"Ω (public health)
- Chi Sigma Iota, ΧΣΠ(counseling)
- Kappa Psi ÎΨ (pharmacy)
- Phi Kappa Phi ΦÎΦ (all academic fields)
- Pi Epsilon Î Î (environmental science)
- Sigma Sigma Phi ΣΣΦ (osteopathic medicine) or (medicine)
- Sigma Xi, ΣΠ(Research in Science and Engineering), colors:     Blue and     Gold
- Upsilon Phi Delta, ΥΦÎ" (health administration)
Secondary school societies
- California Scholarship Federation
- Cum Laude Society (general)
- German National Honor Society-Delta Epsilon Phi (Deutsche Ehrenverbindung) (German)
- International Thespian Society (theatre), colors:     Blue and     Gold
- Key Club
- Mu Alpha Theta, ÎÎ'Î (mathematics)
- National Art Honor Society (visual arts)
- National Beta Club
- National Forensic League (public speaking), colors:     Red and     Silver
- National Honor Society (high school general)
- National Honorary Beta Club (high school general)
- National Honorary Junior Beta Club (middle school general)
- National Junior Honor Society (middle school general)
- Quill and Scroll (journalism)
- Science National Honor Society (science)
- Société Honoraire de Français (French)
- Spanish National Honor Society (Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica) (Spanish)
- Technology Student Association (STEM), colors:     Red     blue     White
- Tri-M Music Honor Society (music), colors: Â Â Â Â Pink
Vocational, technical, and workforce education
- National Technical Honor Society
Two-year colleges and community colleges
- Alpha Beta Gamma, Î'Î'Î" (business at two-year colleges)
- Alpha Gamma Sigma, Î'Î"Σ (California community colleges)
- Phi Theta Kappa, ΦÎÎ (All academic fields at community and junior colleges)
- Psi Beta, ΨÎ' (psychology at two-year colleges)
- Sigma Kappa Delta, ΣÎÎ" (English at community and junior colleges)
- Sigma Zeta, ΣΠ(natural sciences/mathematics/computer science - Associate membership available for community and junior colleges)
- Beta Chi Î'Χ (criminal justice at two-year colleges)
Boy Scouts
- Order of the Arrow, National BSA Honor Society
- Tribe of Mic-O-Say, Heart of America Council and Pony Express Council
- Firecrafter, Crossroads of America Council