Fresh Pretty Cure! is the sixth Pretty Cure anime television series produced by Toei Animation. The series focuses on three Cures, Love Momozono, Miki Aono and Inori Yamabuki, who transform into Cure Peach, Cure Berry, and Cure Pine, respectively. Their mission is to defend this world and the parallel worlds from the evil Labyrinth. The series began airing in Japan from February 1, 2009 and January 31, 2010, replacing Yes! Precure 5 GoGo! in its initial timeslot and was succeeded by HeartCatch PreCure!. It has four pieces of theme music: two opening and two ending themes. The opening theme for episodes the first 25 episodes is "Let's! Fresh Pretty Cure" (Let's!ãã¬ãã·ã¥ããªãã¥ã¢ Rettsu! Furesshu Purikyua?) by Mizuki Moie, and the ending theme is "You make me happy!" by Momoko Hayashi. For episodes 26â"50 the opening theme is "Let's! Fresh Pretty Cure! ~Hybrid Version~" (Let's!ãã¬ãã·ã¥ããªãã¥ã¢~Hybrid.ver~ Rettsu! Furesshu Purikyua ~Hybrid.ver~?) by Mizuki Moie and Momoko Hayashi, and the ending theme is "H@ppy Together" by Momoko Hayashi.
Episode list
Hopefully Precure Episode 2 preview - Welcome on my channel! I'm Cure Anime and I'm happy you are on my channel. What do I do? Well, -I make animations. -I'm working on a precue fanserie. -Covers. -Fandubs with...
See also
- Fresh Pretty Cure! the Movie: The Toy Kingdom has Lots of Secrets!? - An animated film based on the series.
- Pretty Cure All Stars DX: Everyone's Friendsâthe Collection of Miracles! - The first film in the Pretty Cure All Stars crossover series, which stars the Fresh Pretty Cure.